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14 Good

About Zach

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  1. I love the concept and effort but the rewards are honestly pretty bad for the amount they cost aside from the rings. Gonna get 99 on Zach (Normal) and Lee (Ironman) eventually to get max back but if you aren't maxing there is pretty much no reason to do invention. Guess I'm just not really a fan of it taking this ridiculous amount of money for a max cape requirement. Especially for ironmen; very few ironmen will get 99 any time soon. At least if you're a normal account you can boss and sell drops for money to train invention. If you're an ironman and didn't have 1b cash sitting around before the release, you'll likely be spending a ludicrous amount of hours hunting black salamanders or thieving and buying gem bags just to train invention to get max back and not much else. At this point, Invention is pretty much just a massive money sink that is required for max cape (and people will likely only train if going for max). I don't wanna sound too harsh because I appreciate the effort. I just think it costs way too much and is extremely unrealistic for ironmen.
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