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Iron Joe

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Everything posted by Iron Joe

  1. Skilling absolutely needs a buff. Reindeer loot seems pretty weak tbh. I just wish loot or skilling rewards were improved to create the feeling of "I gotta grind TF out of this event before its over; All go ::event". Event is very versatile and has a lot of potential; however, just a few tweaks need to be made. But the Mini-game is a lot of fun! We appreciate all of the hard work you guys put into the event, and as always, thank you!
  2. These all sound cool an all, but there are so many other things staff should spend their time on IMO. Such as Solo raids, bug fixes, and comp cape!
  3. I love the idea of a group boss, but then again we currenty have one --- Vasa. Maybe some new gear with improved stats so the whole server is willing to mass?? (Just an idea)
  4. Too many money sinks in-game. The past two major updates have BOTH been HUGE money sinks. (Invention & Duel arena) Too many money sinks with a community population such as ours has negative implications upon the economy. (Pm me in-game for further explanation) Players are already 100% avoiding the "10% money sink per stake" by using MMs. Keep the 250m Duel arena buy-in, remove the 10% "commission" per stake. Perhaps in the future, lets add some updates without "Money Sinks" being involved.
  5. Is that a Monkey pet?!?! LIT
  6. I'll see you around the holiday times! Best of luck, buddy
  7. Awesome update! Maybe add a KC tracker to the new Thanksgiving event? We could have a cool event until December 1st, like top 3 KC counts by end each wins a Prize?
  8. This is what 30 minutes spent @ experiments gave me. It would be nice if ALL the drops were noted so we can "Oldak's Device" at the end, as opposed to every 15 seconds (which becomes extremely tedious). As always, cheers for more updates
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