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Backalley last won the day on December 20 2018

Backalley had the most liked content!

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121 Excellent

About Backalley

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  1. Considering you bitched and yelped when your “flat mate” or what ever you call your room mate got muted, I wouldn’t recommend you for this roll. I don’t play often now, but still see a lack of professionalism from you considering the lacking staff application. There’s a template for a reason xo
  2. I play quite a bit! Commander mostly.. one of my close mate has a collection of something crazy like 15000 cards lol. Probably spent $30,000+. But I enjoy it for the most part.
  3. Comp should have happened months ago. There’s no non-repetitive post Max grind tbh
  4. One week playtime.. come back in 8 weeks to even been considered lol
  5. Makes no sense locking the morph lol. A pet is a pet why add more requirements to it. Both of them are great ideas I support.
  6. Considering back in the day you made seperate accounts to flame certain people and that you have a short temper you’re not cut out for staff
  7. I was first ever to do it :—)
  8. It’s a cool idea, but like I say to every other suggestion you have to think about balance. The main decision jamian wants people to choose is wether; 1: kill monsters faster, use less food, potions etc (torture, anguish, occult, wildy and dag kind rings) 2: have a higher chance of getting a drop ( lucky ammy, lotp, row, row I) since most people we’re using lucky ammys (prior to the lucky zenyte update) zenyte equipment was more or less worthless or a lot less useful. Unless you up the cost by 2x the amount I’d still say this is an extremely overpowered item. I would be suprised if it got released into the game even if the cost was balanced jsut because of it ruining the decision on what gear to use not trying to diss your idea, it’s cool and all but at this stage I don’t see the need for an item like this as it only power creeps the game ever more
  9. You get triggered to easily which really doesn’t make a good staff member. Also from what I’ve seen of you in game you rarely help. Could be wrong. Control your temper and gl
  10. You poopyhead xx, 100% support brother. Goodluck
  11. I don’t think you understand the point on getting 500m lol. It’s never been and will never be about the perks you get. All about that high score rank.
  12. Great idea. But set bonus should be same as angler-lumber -prospecter. Of like 1% bonus per piece. Doesn’t make sense to give a flat amount while all the others are %
  13. Whole part of umi is inventory management and deciding what gear to use and keep. This change would give you one of the bis set that fits in one inventory spot. No support at all for this.
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