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Everything posted by Infinity

  1. Congrats on the 2 year mark Jamian, am super glad that I was apart of the team
  2. #hacker share the split or i'll ban you <3 no serious though congrats on that insane rng
  3. Welcome back bud, glad to have you back, Remember nomatter what this is a game, Life 100% comes first
  4. When reporting a player. Please contact myself to let me know a report has been submitted. Ive taken over charge of the punishments. So all punishments can and most likely will be reviewed. Also. When giving screenshots. I dont wanna see only your side that makes you look good. Expand the chat box give me more information. Im not basing a final judgement on a 1 sided photo. Whatever happens happens at that point. Ps. If your mute is only an hour. Suck it up and go on. Dont be a dick
  5. This is my loot from 300 kills at the scarab boss, Keep in mind this will not be what you get if you choose to do this as well, this is just something to keep in mind what a normal sample size would be if you were to kill 300. Coins:16,766,000 Mbox's: 11 Ckeys:103 Bandit cross: 1 Master wand: 10 Clue Boxes: 3 Dragon scimmy: 21 Dragon mace: 189 Infinity hat: 10 Infinity Robe top: 10 Infinity robe bottom: 7 Infinity Gloves: 6 Infinity Boots: 9 Paper Scraps: 9 Yew Seeds: 50 Dragon Arrowtips: 10,148 Blood Runes: 5000 Soul Runes: 2000 Fire Runes: 183,531 2 RDT drops: 30 Dstones, 18 Rune platebodies
  6. If something like the tome would be added, why not just try and go with a replinishment potion EX: Restore Special pot. 84 HerbSuper Restore+Papaya. Can only be used once every 30 seconds and will restore 25% spec I kinda like the idea of the shield, the only "issue" and i dont mean a major issue, would be wouldnt that give Quite a bit of a buff to undead, when using the shield AND the Salve ammy (e) 3 i could go for, maybe not the name of the boss, because it wouldnt really "fit" with the desert theme, but it could instead grant Items used for the restore special pot, such as papayas. 4, Im all for adding the new weapons, but once again i think it would grant to much of a bonus to undead with the other items, Im in favor of your ideas, just showing why yes or no to them. Thanks, Infinity.
  7. Updated 11-28-18 with Multiple New members and promotions, congrats to everyone.
  8. ~WE NEED YOUR HELP~ We as a staff team, are attempting to try and rejuvinate the forum, and we want your input into the matter! Besides Contests, giveaways, ECT... What would be some ideas you all have to make the forums active? Any input you give is greatly appreciated. ~Revival staff team
  9. Dude, all i play is Commander, And I just spent $75 on a collection that im still pricing, im at a gain of almost $2000 at the moment
  10. Updated 11-1-18 Welcome Zulrah to the staff Team!
  11. Anyone else on here play\Collect Magic the gathering? I've been going through a collection I purchased while playing Revival, and was just wondering if anyone else played.
  12. Updated 10-29-18, Wish Qotz and Jdkhaos the best of luck! Resignations: Qotz and Jdkhaos Promotions: (i'm late adding these) Solo Reborn Pawnup
  13. 1) would like construction, just as another thing to train. 2) would be cool to have some sort of skilling task system. 3) I would like to see this, but i would like it to be like the invention system on rs3, where it is halved EXP, so it isnt speedy af lol 4) HCIM has been suggested before 4B)Comp cape has been in the works for a while 4C)I dont think the daily tasks for GP are needed. 5) Idk how i feel on this, Personally i don't like it.
  14. Infinity


    Welcome to the server.
  15. Updated 10-7-18. Welcome Q3 to the staff team!
  16. When God Wars dungeon 2 comes out, I would love to see who gets what item first, when you recieve a rare loot from GWD2, please post it on this topic so we can see who gets what item first!
  17. Updated with 1 new staff member and 1 promotion! congrats to both!
  18. so you want EOC, got it. I dont feel #1 or #2 is needed, expecially when you can right click the max cape, and boom, there's your teleport. #3 i can agree with, but there is also at least another shop that stays empty (sigmund the merchent at ::fossil) #4 once again, dont think its needed. Thanks for the suggestions though.
  19. Ive not even gotten the firemaking pet after like 800m exp, screw hunting shiny lol good suggestions overall though
  20. Pretty plain and simple, we're doing an event for the person with the fastest Fire cape time! winner will be the fastest time at the end of the month Please when posting your time to include a screenshot with your time, as well as a time stamp (via paint ect) Prizes will be given to the top time, and the prizes have not been anounced. good luck! As of this time, the current fastest time is Robsie with 8:47
  21. I'll become the donation well, just give me all your gps, and ill find some way to turn double stuff on, like when im drinking, BAM double vision.
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