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ville last won the day on May 5 2018

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About ville

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  • Birthday 06/22/1997

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  1. Add a dummy or an npc on which u always hit ur max hit, but don't get xp from doing that. That way you can see your max hit with diff gear etc. and make sure everything like prayers and such works correctly. Also would be good if it worked as a slayer monster with slay helm on so you could see if the helm works and how much it helps improving max hit if it does. The slayer hit thingy is not the main reason so if it's hard to make idk if it's worth it but i still don't believe that slay helm works for melee even though everyone disagrees with me. 2. Add a command to check droprate, like ::droprate. people are confused about droprates all the time and it would be nice to see that all of the lucky items work too so my sceptic mind could be at ease.
  2. Helper material, but knowledge of the game is only on average level atm. Support for future as u seem to learn quickly.
  3. Yeah it sounds expensive as irl donation for one box. But it can be 2 hours of mammoths afking to get the points if you get relatively lucky. Then again i don't support nerfing mammoths because it will be good and balanced among some other ways of making money when the duel arena comes back. I didnt think about the removal of the sand casino at all when I got salty over the big drop of prices and it does play a major factor of the raid box being op at the moment. When the stakers start hoarding the eco again the prices will go up and the moneymaking ways that are op now will become good. Again these are just my thoughts.
  4. I would never have guessed that someone would take that eco reset joke seriously. I think that a good compromise would be making the price of the raid box more expensive. People would still probably donate for it but it wouldn't be too easily achieved and the eco would balance a bit. And as Beatboy so cleverly said: "items will always be brought to eco", which is good to a point obviously, but seeing the most expensive item in game drop to almost half of it's price in a week doesn't seem healthy to me. Although if and when the duel arena comes back, it will create new eco holders whom will hoard the high tier items and set the price up again which will be a good and a bad thing at the same time. All in all this turned out to be quite a pickle, lol. My suggestion is to raise the price of the raid box a bit until duel arena comes back and if it's kept in the donator store it may aswell be put to same price after duel arena because that box wont control eco at all after that. Made sense in my head atleast. If someone read the whole thing and has an opinion, i'd like to hear it.
  5. Thats not the point? The point is that it shouldn't be too easy for new players or others for that matter to get the highest tier items that easily.
  6. That's why the eco reset was a joke. I don't want one either.
  7. Server doesn't have more players than before? Items are not supposed to drop 25% in price in couple of weeks due to new players getting easy raid boxes.
  8. Raid box has been in the donator store for long enough for now, thanks. Eco reset so I can feel like stuff is worth something again. The part with the eco reset was a joke. <-- CAN YOU SEE THIS? IF YOU CAN, YOU SHOULD KNOW THAT IT WAS A JOKE
  9. Since i resigned my job, I have been playing alot EEST daytime. My timezone is UTC + 3 and when i play at like 1pm-4pm there is no helper online most of the time. I suggest adding a staff member to that time period. I would try and apply myself but I only play on like 5 days a week.
  10. I don't know if you help when you're online but all i've seen you talk in help or yell is staking related.
  11. Biggest no to a donator zone based tier system. "Rich get richer smh", or whatever you all say. Some kind of revamp like add chests that take more keys for possibility for better stuff could work.
  12. That's pretty dope. I prefer this kinda signatures to the anime ones since i have no knowledge on anime etc whatsoever.
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