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About Beatboy

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  1. Good shit, Lets get these bugs knocked out so we can get some dope content pushed.
  2. Most people don't, 99% of the question are common sense at this point
  3. I moderate the chat more than i answer constantly asked questions. Once woody or regal need help with something they don't know i step in.
  4. It's the way of life, Items will be brought into the eco no matter what box is in the store.
  5. Items are not suppose to maintain the same value they do with release, everything will drop the more players the server has.
  6. There's different forms of toxicity, Must are easily detected as trolls. As seen on this server nobody as far as i have noticed has actually been toxic without a troll meaning behind it. Thanks guys
  7. What is your in-game name: BeatBoy What position are you applying for: Helper What is your IRL name: James Where are you from (Timezone): Central Stranded Time When did you start playing the server: Around a month and a half ago. How much do you play daily: 5-8 hours a day How did you find the server: Jamian's youtube channel Tell us a little bit about yourself. I'm Usually a quiet person unless something is directed to me. I mostly PVM nowadays trying to get all drops from all bosses, aswell all casually skilling for 500m exp is some skills. What is your favorite thing to do on the server? Between trying to get the 1 in 25k drop from vespula and getting 500m slayer is hard to say what is funnier. What do you hate about the server the most? The amount of bugs currently ingame that can ruin your experience Have you ever been staff on any other servers? Only one server back in the day that had a steady 50 players on, other than that i usually never go for a position What makes you want to be staff on this server? I find the community not as toxic as some servers so i figured i'd try and pitch in and help out If you got promoted, what is the first thing you would do? Continue playing the game like normal Have you ever been punished on this server(Muted,banned,jailed,etc)?If so, Explain. Havn't been punished. What would you do if an advertiser starting spamming the server? Mute them until a higher rank can ban them. Any additional information about yourself that you want to add? Currently on the all pets grind ;)
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